Warm Weather and Weekend Warriors

April 1, 2019
Spring is in the air and so are fun recreational sports: Tennis, Golf, Softball, 5K’s and More. What’s the secret to staying in the game versus sitting on the sidelines? Warm up, Cool down. Warmed muscles and tendons are ready for activity, more elastic, and are less susceptible to injury. Also, stretching before and after a workout helps prevent injuries. Muscles and tendons are more likely to get strained if they are not warm. Light stretching helps warm muscles up and increases the range of motion. Cool down with light post-workout stretches will help overused muscles while allowing your heart rate to recover. Also, warm-up muscles specifically for your sport. See the links below for golf, softball, 5K’s and tennis warm-ups. “Eat to Win” means eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Eating this way will supply your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at the highest level. Hydrate. Dehydration starts well before your activity. Which means if you went out with your pals on Friday night and sipped a few too many libations, you may already behind the curve from a hydration standpoint. Drink water before going to bed and start hydrating as soon as you wake up. There are some new sports drinks on the market with zero sugar that will help you get back in the game. Also, water-rich fruits like watermelon, berries, grapes and can help you hydrate. Strength Train. Strengthening muscles also strengthens tendons, ligaments, and joints. Working out twice a week decreases the risk of strains, muscle tears, and sprains. Use light weights and higher reps. Get together with your Workout Anytime Chatsworth Fitness Coach if you want to want to stay healthy and really have an advantage this season, regardless what your sport is. Listen to your body. Pay attention to your aches and pains and don’t work out if something hurts. Listen to your body. If your spring softball league begins mid-April, start training 30-45 days out. See some of the warm-up tips below or book an appointment with your Workout Anytime Fitness Coach for a spring sports-specific-tune-up. Weekend Warriors - Don’t forget this common Acronym when you’re in pain: RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Pay attention to how the sore muscles feel and how long it lasts. If things don’t get better daily, you should see a doctor. Each recreational sport has different warm-ups and stretches. Check out these websites for some great tips: Golf Warm-ups: https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a19541112/golf-warm-up/ Softball Warm-ups: https://www.livestrong.com/article/342814-the-best-stretches-before-playing-softball/ 5K Warm-Ups: https://www.runtastic.com/blog/en/how-to-warm-up-properly-for-your-race/ Tennis Warm-Ups: http://www.tennis-conditioning.com/tag/warm-up-2/

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