6 Ways to Make Sure You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

January 1, 2019
In order to meet or exceed your New Year’s Resolution health goals this year at Workout Anytime Chatsworth, we have created a simple 6-step process to follow to get you up and running. 1. Create your work-out schedule one month at a time. Get out your calendar and schedule your workout days for 30 days at a time. Three times per week minimum! This is an appointment, so make sure you keep it. This needs to be a top priority in your life. There are only 3 legit reasons to be a no-show for your workout: 1. You are sick. 2. You have a family emergency. 3. There is a work emergency. *Happy hours, new hot date or I’m tired won’t cut it! 2. Create simple modifications to your diet. It’s tough to outwork your caloric intake. Become a label reader. This is easy to do, particularly with breakfast foods. There are lots of healthy oatmeal and lots of high sugar oatmeal. Drink more water, less soda. Buy low-sugar sports drinks and water it down! Say no to fries, or don’t order fries every lunch. There are lots of healthy crackers, ice cream, and snack foods; just read the labels. Make better choices with what you eat. You don’t have to go crazy and count calories for every meal unless you enjoy that sort of thing. Eat food that’s good for you; period. If you need to hit the fast food restaurants, choose ones that have healthy menus. Replace fried food with something grilled. Eat fruits, grains, and veggies instead of processed crackers and snack food. When you need a pick-me-up, opt for water and fruit, not candy and pastry. It’s easy to do; just plain common sense. The better choices you make at the table will make your time in the gym more productive! 3. Have a program review with a Workout Anytime Fitness Consultant. You should update your workout every 3-4 months. 4. Add one more day to your current workout schedule; at the club or outside activity. Walk, run, bike, tennis, golf or take a great hike with your family or friends! 5. Get a workout partner. Sometimes working out gets a little boring. We've got a great suggestion on how to get the most out of your membership at Workout Anytime Chatsworth; get a workout partner. What's a workout partner? A workout partner or workout buddy is a friend, family member, neighbor or work associate that has common health and fitness goals. That should be just about anyone; who doesn't want to get in better shape? Having a workout partner will mean having more fun at the gym, you'll train much harder, and you'll have much better attendance; you wouldn't stand-up your friend and be a no-show, would you? Think about possible workout partners. Check with family members, friends, work associates or neighbors. This time of year, everyone’s thinking about getting in shape! 6. Have Realistic Goals. Meet and exceed those goals and create new ones. Get together with your Workout Anytime Chatsworth fitness coach for a program review if you haven’t done so in a while. Working out at the proper level makes a night and day difference in the results you will get. Let 2019 be fantastic a year for yourself, your family and friends. Making a commitment to health and fitness will ensure that will happen!

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