Weight Gain During the Holidays

December 1, 2017
Holiday Health Tips from Workout Anytime Chatsworth It happens every year to health club members across the country. The dreaded 8-pound weight gain from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. How can this possibly happen? What happens is quite simple. Members miss their regularly scheduled workouts due to travel, family time, office commitments and the biggest culprit, they go off their balanced diet, big-time. Here’s a simple plan to help you conquer holiday weight gain:
  1. Enter your holiday workout schedule into a calendar. Make sure you are entering your average workouts per week. You may have to adjust the time of day to fit them all in. We all know the old saying “If it’s not in writing, it doesn’t exist”.
  2. Food will be your greatest obstacle, if you don’t create a “strategy” in advance. There’s another old saying that says “You can’t out exercise your caloric intake”. The food strategy is quite simple, if it is top of mind. You’ve worked hard to get where you are; no sense slipping back.
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Oatmeal is an easy choice when traveling because you can buy it at the grocery store already portioned-up. If you think oatmeal is boring, spice it up with berries and bananas. You can travel with oatmeal packets easily, if you will be visiting family and friends that are not as conscientious about their eating habits as you are. Just make sure you buy high protein, low sugar oatmeal. The ThinkThin ORIGINAL brand is a great choice.
  4. For your lunch, dinner and happy hour meals go for protein, vegetables and fruit. Let’s also be real: No one is going to pass on mom’s favorite cookies, pie or desserts, but show just a little restraint and don’t double down on every single unhealthy item you can get your hands on!
  5. Adult beverages are calorie busters. Keep this in mind when it comes to alcohol and the holidays: Too much alcohol creates a myriad of problems from family relationships to legal issues. Do yourself a favor this holiday season: “Drink Less and Enjoy Life More”.
In closing, the staff at Workout Anytime Chatsworth wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Also, don’t forget to Shop Local and be sure to invite your favorite business owner over to the club for a workout and HydroMassage; they’ll need it!

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