Camden South Carolina Owner Leaves Finance for Fitness
Wednesday June 12th, 2024 | Columbia Regional Business Report
Phil Gephart makes the 69-mile drive from Rock Hill in York County every day
to help residents of Kershaw County in the Midlands live healthier lives.
Earlier this year, Gephart and his wife Clare Gephart purchased the Workout
Anytime location in Camden with the goal of bringing a new kind of workout
experience to residents of the growing town.
Workout Anytime is a franchise-based fitness chain with 200 units nationwide
that caters to the growing number of people who want access to a gym that
fits flexible schedules. The name truly means what it says — members of the
gym have access to the facilities 24 hours, seven days a week. It’s a type of
gym membership especially appealing to people whose work and family
responsibilities make it challenging to hit the gym at traditional times during
the day.
“Many people these days want accessibility and availability, a gym on demand
just like you have TV on demand,” Gephart said. “They don’t want to wait for a
specific time to do their workouts. We have a lot of staffed hours, with trainers
on hand most of the day, but if you want to come late at night or very early in
the morning, that’s available too.”
Five years ago, Gephart was living in Austin, Texas, and working as a holistic
fitness coach. His family moved to Rock Hill at the height of the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020. Gephart got a job in the finance industry and managed his
old Austin gym remotely for about a year, but he quickly realized he missed
working directly with fitness clients. Enter Workout Anytime.
Phil Gephart says his passion is working directly with people helping them get healthy and get stronger.
“My passion is working directly with people to help them get stronger
stronger, and the Workout Anytime franchise in Camden was for sale, so I
came back into the industry,” Gephart said.
Gephart said the existing location in Camden “needed some TLC and needed
some work” when he purchased it. He updated the interior and also changed
out other elements, like substituting snacks in an existing vending machine for
healthier selections, including gluten-free options and items with no artificial
“I really fell in love with the community and was ecstatic to be here because of
the kindness of the people,” he said. “One of the reasons I also wanted to
come to Camden was I’ve been in bigger metropolitan areas and now I wanted
to bring an optimal training and health experience to a town like Camden.”
Sports and fitness has been a big part of Gephart’s life since childhood. He
played basketball in high school and then at Wilmington University in
Delaware, and later played professional basketball for five years on five
continents overseas. Besides playing, he also ran basketball camps in
Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, London and other locations.
When he left his playing career behind, Gephart got interested in personal
training and studied holistic health. He became a personal trainer, working on
an appointments-only basis with a focus on strength training. His work was
driven by a passion for helping people improve their basic health and live their
best lives through common-sense approaches.
“I created sort of a six-pillar system of fitness — sleep, sunlight, stress
management, nutrition, hydration and movement,” Gephart said. “All of those
are so important, and people don’t realize how great they’re supposed to feel if
all of those are involved. People believe that by 40 your knees shouldn’t work
anymore, or by 60 it’s supposed to be normal to be on 10 medications every
day. That’s not supposed to be the human experience. You can feel so much
greater if you just master the basics.”
Workout Anytime offers some high-tech approaches to developing the best
workout regimen for each client’s needs. A Slyku 3-D body scanning system
allows trainers to screen a client’s body to better understand their fitness
needs and goals.
“When someone becomes a member, we schedule a ‘success session’ where
we dig into their health and fitness goals, do a movement screen to find out
their muscular weaknesses and imbalances, and use the body scanner to
measure things like waist-to-hip ratio, lean body mass, and body fat
percentage,” Gephart said. “We can also track when they should be achieving
certain goals based on how many workouts they want during the week. We
can really lay out a specific path for each client and help them get there every
step of the way.”
Workout Anytime is located at 1670 Springdale Drive, Suite 13-C, in Camden.
We Stand By Our Values
We offer affordable fitness with high-quality equipment whenever you want it. Fitness that fits your life means there’s no excuse, just results.

We drive a positive culture of confidence and enthusiasm by doing the right thing for all our members, partners, and staff.

We provide our members, partners and staff with an environment that is welcoming and respectful of each individual.

We are committed to the success of our members and partners through the expertise and dedication of our team.